Friday, March 26, 2010

Emerging Technologies and 21st Century Learning- An Interview

Our Application assignment for Week 4, called for research into a Course Management System, such as Moodle, as well as, developing a persuasive presentation to convince our staff of the value inherent in on-line learning.

Since our school has already adopted a Course Management System, I opted to interview the principal and Instructional Technologist at Luella Middle School in Henry County, Georgia, where I am employed. We explored the advantages of our K-12 on-line Course Management System,and how it supports meaningful, authentic learning. We, also, reviewed the first year of implementation and discussed the plans for the next three years.

This podcast illustrates some of the "stumbling blocks" that such massive school change causes, and, certainly outlines the great advantages that on-line learning offers for the future of our school.