Monday, December 21, 2009

Evaluating My GAME Plan

As I reflect on my GAME plan, I see that my goals were fairly realistic, although the rigors of the holiday season, as well as, professional demands and my current academic pursuits caused me to adjust my timeline. At least, I now know how to design a course in ANGEL. The IT specialist gave me great instructions; therefore, it is my turn to do the rest of the work. My goals for the new semester will be dependent on my efforts to design basic blog requirements in Angel over the holidays, so that I can implement my GAME plan for the new six weeks. Although there are many events planned with friends and family, I will spend the few hours needed to take the first steps in designing an online learning environment to be used for the purpose of critiquing art and self-reflection.

I have not been as successful in creating an online learning community. To date, I have joined two blog groups, and uploaded many examples of student artwork to the site at: A few were even featured on the home page, yet no conversations have evolved. My approach has been to ask questions about online learning, and put them “out there” in cyber world for sage responses. Maybe everyone is as busy as I am, and January will prove more fruitful. I had high hopes for this website because I admire Craig Roland’s insights on the integration of art and technology, and hoped that the site would have more activity. Yet, maybe I need to search for like-minded art educators on the site, follow their activity, and become a part of their conversations. Another Craig Roland site that I found suggests other sites for future collaboration that I intend to pursue.

In evaluating my GAME plan, I must admit it is still a work in progress, yet I am committed to accomplishing the goals I established in the beginning. Its success will depend on an increased amount of time and tenacity on my part. Sounds like a New Year’s Resolution, huh?

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