Sunday, December 27, 2009

Using My GAME Plan Process with Students

The GAME Plan is really a very logical process for implementing goals at any age. To develop goals, implement activities or an action plan, monitor the progress of the plan, and then evaluate the plan will fit the pursuit of almost any set of goals, whether they are NETS-S goals or state standards. Yet, in this post, the focus is on the NETS-S standards. When considering these specific standards, I am interested in developing reflective blogs, as mentioned in previous posts, multimedia projects such as digital stories, and, finally, using applications for illustration and photo processing in the classroom, but I do have parameters in which to operate.

First, our school district allows no collaboration outside of the sanctioned learning environment called ANGEL. Blogs and wikis are possible through this interface, but only in a school-wide and/or classroom environment. We do have free applications that have been allowed on our network; such as, Inkscape, Gimp, and Windows Movie that can be used for the creative explorations in which I am interested. Therefore, many of my goals for the students can be realized, with the exception of blogs and wikis that would include a wider, global audience. Maybe these options are around the corner. We can only hope…

Any suggestions for creative uses of technology in the art room are welcome! No idea is without merit. Other points of view and thoughts stimulate creativity, at least for me, and I am always searching inspiration.

I have enjoyed collaborating with our group, and hope that we may continue exchanging ideas in our final stretch. Two more classes, and the next class has a really skinny book! Maybe that means we can spend more time exploring the Internet. Good luck to all of you

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